
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel ... 

Mark 16:15

Cornerstone Baptist Church is endeavoring to reach the lost, both at home and abroad, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to see souls saved and be disciple to be made functioning members of the church. As God calls and directs, we will commission, support, and send forth others to the fields that are ripe unto harvest. It is our sincere desire to be completely supportive of our missionaries and their ministries. We consider our supported missionaries a vital part and extension of our church family, ministry, and purpose as an independent Baptist church.

Evidence of this is that our goal of $400,000 per year designated for missions. This is above the general offerings given through scriptural tithing. Our missions investments primarily involve supporting and planting New Testament churches that will be involved in evangelizing, baptizing, and discipling. Our church currently supports over 100 mission works both foreign and domestic. We are thankful to have a world-wide effect in propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ. Praise God!

Missionary Support Application